Friday, May 8, 2009

surat CINTA utk nbie yG suker Megi..

hye Cik nbie yg cun ala2 ciyu (cinaMelayu)...hoho..Daisy dah bace surat cinta tu..mmg marvelousss bak nak terkehel leher mmbacenyer..huh!!can't wait to see the new petto..( i thought abg's future W***...>>>>rahsia2)...huhuuh so, kopi makan ape..nasi ker, wiskes ker...wut!! tulang ikan jer kot..pepun, g la basuh buntut kopi tuuuu....nak tunggu daisy blk mau dah kerass...euww..heh!!

now, i'm busy with da proposal...really annoying!!..haha wat to do?.... can't wait to go home....share katil pun lantak jer...mcm x bese plak...hehe..i got three books to read this semester dont like it..really..balik nnt baru tau..malas nak story kat sini...hehe..

okes nbie...see you soon...bucuk!!!

ni gambor sapooooo laaa ekkk????(-_^)



  1. kopi makan aiskem...
    lately ayah rajin lak wat aiskem...
    haw haw haw...
    interesting huh...;P

    menjadi ooh aiskem...
    kopi makan aiskem menjilat jari...
    serius! x tipu...hikhikhik;P

  2. pastu kan...
    pe barang makan wiskus...
    ni kucing indi...
    x men ar wiskus...


dah usha, meh ler komen(^0^)..

Tips nak bagi anak-anak tak boring semasa pkp =)

Assalam semua. So pkp 3.0 ni Guy hantar kereta wira dia ke bengkel. Ade lagi satu kereta weoll memang park luar pagar rumah. Kenapa????  Seb...