hye Cik nbie yg cun ala2 ciyu (cinaMelayu)...hoho..Daisy dah bace surat cinta tu..mmg marvelousss bak nak terkehel leher mmbacenyer..huh!!can't wait to see the new petto..( i thought abg's future W***...>>>>rahsia2)...huhuuh so, kopi makan ape..nasi ker, wiskes ker...wut!! tulang ikan jer kot..pepun, g la basuh buntut kopi tuuuu....nak tunggu daisy blk mau dah kerass...euww..heh!!
now, i'm busy with da proposal...really annoying!!..haha wat to do?.... can't wait to go home....share katil pun lantak jer...mcm x bese plak...hehe..i got three books to read this semester break..you dont like it..really..balik nnt baru tau..malas nak story kat sini...hehe..
okes nbie...see you soon...bucuk!!!

ni gambor sapooooo laaa ekkk????(-_^)
kopi makan aiskem...
ReplyDeletelately ayah rajin lak wat aiskem...
haw haw haw...
interesting huh...;P
menjadi ooh aiskem...
kopi makan aiskem menjilat jari...
serius! x tipu...hikhikhik;P
pastu kan...
ReplyDeletepe barang makan wiskus...
ni kucing indi...
x men ar wiskus...