Baru jer jenguk kat entri yg paling terbaru [konon], huiii lamanyer tak update. Seiring dan sejalan dengan tuan punya blog dier yg tgh cuti kot. This holiday is not gonna be awesome like before becoz im sicked. This time is the worst, i kept going in and out of the clinic becoz im running out of medicine. Of coz im worried of you-know-what disease might attack lately. Owh…mujurlah dah sihat, syukurrr…
So far, nothing I can do at home really. A little bit of research, for my report [still, but at home you know how many effort I put into this…haaa]. Do this and that, this and that….
Most of the time, im not sit in front of the computer, trying as much as I could to stay away from it… keeps remind me of upsi though….he~. It’s not possible since im not an it-maniac like some people. And it doesn’t mean that I completely blind about it.
[Wah…dah perenggan tiga. Sampai sini masih tak tau lagi ape yg nak ditulis…daisy agak blur sejak akhir2 ni, mungkin akibat dari F-attack…huh…perlu polish lagi ni]
From music bank, I chose 2pm-again & again….they is kind of cool. Forget about look [sepet, malaysian have that one] their music attracted me in the first place. Heyya! *check out 2pm teaser video below..
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Tips nak bagi anak-anak tak boring semasa pkp =)
Assalam semua. So pkp 3.0 ni Guy hantar kereta wira dia ke bengkel. Ade lagi satu kereta weoll memang park luar pagar rumah. Kenapa???? Seb...

Dah lama tak update sume gara2 BHL yg bermasalah..dah dekat seminggu dah jadi cenni. Semua orang dok kalut kalu takde intenet macam m...
Baru jer jenguk kat entri yg paling terbaru [konon], huiii lamanyer tak update. Seiring dan sejalan dengan tuan punya blog dier yg tgh cuti ...
Hari Ahad lepas my parents hantar balik g Tangjong Malim, alang2 jalan skali. Menapak di upsi ni tibe2 rasa cam tak sangka plak dah jadi sup...
aah, lagu 2 pm itu sungguh syedap sampai leh makan..
aah, zainab pon dah buh kat blog..hiuhiuhiu..
slmt berblogging n slmt ke kuliah semula.
tengkiu zainab...
ReplyDeletesama2 minat again and again...huhu
ader geng!!!
Ouwh, rupanya anda jugak sakit.
ReplyDeleteIngatkan diriku sorang ja.
Get well soon, dear! ;p
Den kono kuarantin haritu, tapi actually tak suspected pun doc kuarantin sebab ada simptom ja.
Tapi yg best dengaq kata dah agak heboh den ni +ve.
Haha, buleh pulak!
haha..tu la pasal...
ReplyDeletemaybe orang syak +ve sbb demam berpanjangan kot.....hehe....den takuits gilor dah nie haa...
haha..kamu berdua (zainab dan daisy tak termasuk syud ;p) mmg gila korea!hak3
ReplyDeletesyud demam, pastu leh lak blue tooth cirus dia kat org len...
buley pulak camtu iyek...
ReplyDeletemaen blotut virus...
very the canggih-manggih..hehe
x paham lor citer f atack...
ReplyDeletehuhuhu...ker attack alat cuci baju...huhu